741Hz | 136.1 Hz | Spiritual Awakening | Cleansing | Dodecahedron Energy - Affirmations


Experience the transformative power of the 741 Hz Solfeggio frequency, which guides you to your true self by removing all existing negativity and blockages that hinder your spiritual growth. As the frequency of the throat chakra, it gives you the freedom to pass on the universal truth to those around you. In combination with the calming 136.1 Hz frequency, which is assigned to the heart chakra, you receive an essential tool to act successfully in your role as a light worker. By drawing from the heart level, you will bring about deeper healing in those around you.

This product contains two written meditations that can be used regularly to promote the opening and strengthening of your heart chakra. The meditations focus on the dodecahedron, whose vibration is described as an expression of perfect creation - an extremely high vibration that you can integrate into yourself. The accompanying activating affirmations are designed to support you on your spiritual journey.

Immerse yourself in the soothing melody of these frequencies and let the supporting affirmations accompany you on your path to spiritual growth.