Looking to exchange or return?

It's really simple! Just have your order number and shipping zip code in hand. You’ll find your order number in your Soulshinecreator's Order Confirmation email or Packing Slip.

You're ready to start!!



Our Exchange & Return Policy


We are confident you'll love your order. To avoid unnecessary resource use, all of our merchandise is made to order. However, if you receive a defective item, we will gladly accept returns within 30 days of the shipping date. Please use the return address provided on your packing slip. If you have misplaced your packing slip, contact us, and we will be happy to assist you in finding the correct return address.Unless you are processing an exchange, €5 will be deducted from your refund for return shipping. Original shipping costs are non-refundable. "Final Sale” means the specified items are not eligible for return or exchange.

Items purchased outside of Europe are not eligible for returns due to customs issues.


Still have questions?

Please email us with any questions you might have - we are here to help.

(Hours Mon - Fri 10am - 5pm EST)