Start living your life more mindfully. As guests on this beautiful planet, it's our duty to respect it. Let's begin by showing respect to its inhabitants—support them now!

A Big Heart for our Nature

At Soulshinecreators, we believe in the power of giving back to make a positive impact on the world. We are committed to supporting initiatives that promote the well-being of animals and the preservation of our environment. Through our dedicated give-back projects, we aim to contribute to a brighter, more sustainable future for all living creatures.

Experiences that Last

Nature has always provided Christa with profound experiences, whether in the forest or by the lake, sparking a desire to deepen her connection with the environment. The captivating wilderness of Africa, with its unique sounds, scents, and intensity, profoundly affected her. The senseless slaughter of rhinos, cheetahs, and other wildlife is deeply distressing and must be stopped. Protecting the intricate balance of our planet's microcosms and macrocosms is a cause close to our hearts. Our lifestyle choices are disrupting and destroying fragile ecosystems on land and in water. Consequently, we have committed to allocating a portion of our income to support various organizations dedicated to environmental conservation.

Protect the Endangered and less Fortunate

We reserve the right to select the organizations we support, but we welcome and appreciate your suggestions. We have chosen to partner with WWF because it enables us to support multiple impactful projects. Additionally, we believe in our collective responsibility to care for our pets. Therefore, it is important to us to support those less fortunate, ensuring they have a protected and loving home. 
Donations go to:
  • WWF
  • Vier Pfoten - Switzerland
  • Tierschutz-Berlin - The biggest animal shelter in Europe
  • APSCA - American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®
  • ADANA Association for the Rights of Abandoned Animals - Costa del Sol (Malaga)

Want to make an impact right away?

Join Us in Making a Difference! We believe that together, we can make a significant difference. We invite you to join us in our mission to support these incredible organizations and projects. Whether through direct donations, volunteering, or spreading the word, your contribution can help create a better world for animals and the environment. Thank you for being a part of our journey and for helping us give back to the causes that matter most. Together, we can ensure a brighter future for all living beings.